Hilferuf aus Bangladesch
Der Corona Virus macht auch nicht vor Ruanda und Bangladesch halt.
Die Lage droht außer Kontrolle zu geraten. Jedoch ist es für die Ärmsten der
Armen am schlimmsten. Der Lockdown führt zu großen finanziellen Einbußen bei den Menschen, die am Existenzminimum leben. Dies gilt für die Näher*innen in Bangladesch und die Flüchtlinge aus Burundi in Ruanda.
Ohne Arbeit kein Lohn. Ohne Lohn kein Essen.
Hier nun ein Situationsbericht von Rubel, dem Lehrer unserer Partnerschule in Dhaka.
Most of the parents of students of Amafer Pathshala are engaged in informal sector or day labourers. They also live in very densely populated and unhealthy environments. So our first step was to aware the students about the threat of covid 19 and make sessions about sanitation and precautions they should take. Then our next step was aware the community, disinfect the areas and distributing masks and soaps to help them overcome the problems. But when we were doing so we felt and told that a food crisis is very near as they have no or very limited income in lock down/ semi lock down situation. We thought of giving food to 300 families that may cover their demands for a week. These families are the families of our current and ex-students. The package includes 10 kg of rice, 1 kg of lentils, 4 kg of potatoes, 1 liter of cooking oil, 12 eggs, one soap and 1 kg of onions. It costs 850 bdt per package. We have distributed it for 300 families by local support. But as the lock down situation prolongs we can’t limit it to just one week. The situation is worsening and we need to extend the support to more weeks. And may be more people because people are going into miserable conditions without their regular earnings and suffering from lack of food, that may make them more vulnerable from the pandemic.In this situation, we need to stay together as much as we can and try to help the most affected one overcome the situation.