are an educational initiative of the Friedrich-von-Alberti-Gymnasium for sustainable development.
are an educational initiative of the Friedrich-von-Alberti-Gymnasium for sustainable development.
We want to preserve our earth sustainably and are committed to a more just world.
In doing so, we see ourselves as having solidarity responsibility for the Global South.
Our actions and the cooperation with our partners have already taken us to various German cities from Berlin to Ulm. (SDG 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17)
to the project2020 Sponsorship of a water storage facility in partnership with 2aid.org at St. Augustine School, a private Community school in Hakituti in west-central Uganda. (SDG 1, 4, 6)
to the projectCooperation with the Maison Shalom in Kigali. Cooperation with the textile startup "Elite design" and supporting initiatives within the Mahama Camp in southern Rwanda. This cooperation has existed since 2010. (SDG 1, 4, 12, 16)
to the projectWe support the Amanda Pathasala slum school, Dhaka (SDG 4) and the union of Taslima Akhter campaigning for the rights of the seamstresses (SDG 17) since 2018
to the projectWould you also like to become a changemaker?
Sign up and send us an email.
Whether you are a student of the FvAG or another school, you are welcome to work on our projects at any time.
Do you want to support the initiative?
Either buy our sustainable and fairly produced shirts or order school hoodies or t-shirts with your logo from us. With the profit we support the projects in the Global South.
Would you like to donate?
You can also get a donation receipt from our school’s support association.
100% of the money goes to sustainable projects. Just ask!